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General Survey of Hip Arthroplasty in Taiwan
作 者: 李芳材 科別: 骨科
發表學會名稱: 中華民國骨科醫學會成立3 0 週年紀念暨9 6 年度第53次聯合學術研討會
發表時間: 96.10.27-28
裝飾用圖片 摘要:
Database of Taiwan NIH between 1997 and 2004 was reviewed for general survey of hip arthroplasty. In the 8-year time interval, three main categories of hip lesions including hip fracture, hip arthrosis and avascular necrosis of the femoral head were enrolled, main surgical procedures for hip lesions including core decompression for ANFH, internal fixation for femoral neck fracture, hemiarthroplasty for hip lesion, total hip replacement and revision arhtroplasty were reviewed.
Over 200,000 cases were reviewed for their epidemiologic data and detail items concerning. with their hip surgeries. There are 34,549 cases of total hip replacement, 51,211 cases of hemiarthropalsty and totally 10,149 cases of hip revision surgeries in this time period. The overall revision burden was around 10.5%. The prevalence of hip arthroplasties increased form 43 cases per 100,000 population in 1997 to 56 cases per 100,000 population in 2004.
In category of total hip replacement, 44% of all cases were treated under the index diagnosis of ANFH, 54% were treated under the index diagnosis of primary hip arthrosis. As in the category of hemiarthroplasty, 81% of all cases were treated due to femoral neck fracture and 18% due to ANFH.
In the category of ANFH, personal files of 16,887 individuals were traced, there were 7,407 hemiarthroplasty procedures and 12,450 THRs with 8-year survival of around 94%. In the category of primary hip arthrosis, personal file of 16,107 individuals were traced for 18,153 THRs with 8-year survival of around 95%. 40% of femoral neck fracture patients were treated by hemiarthroplasty procedure. 57% of non-traumatic hip arthroplasties were done with the index diagnosis of ANFH which was quite different from western world data.
The demographic data in different diagnosis categories and treatment were analyzed and will be presented in detail.
裝飾用圖片 最後修改時間:2008/7/10 上午 11:50:00

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